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What do I need to know?
The name of the school.
How do I search?
This is a single record, which you will need to order online to view in our North Melbourne Reading Room.
Consult the index at the front of the volume to find the entry of the school of interest to you.
About these records
It is unknown why this record series was kept between 1921 and 1930 but it contains some interesting information about government schools, including site plans.
Who created these records?
Next Steps
Once you have found records of interest to you, order them online and then view in our Reading Room.
Useful links
What are in these records?
The entries in this record contain details such as:
- school number
- school name
- the parish, county, and town the site is located in
- negotiated sale or compulsory acquisition documentation
- site plan, including measurements, adjoining roads and easements
- gazette date
- and may also contain a clipping of the Government Gazette notice