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Researching the State's archival collection can be a rewarding research journey. We offer occasional tours and other events throughout the year to help you navigate archival research and find the records you're looking for. If there are no events scheduled below please check back. 


Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.

PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples

Behind the scenes tours at VAC

Tour guide at the Victorian Archives Centre Tour
Victorian Archives Centre

For Open House Melbourne 2024, the knowledgeable staff at PROV and NAA will take you behind the scenes, and into the heart of the Victorian Archives Centre - the archival repository. Here you'll learn how records are selected and preserved, and discover the stories contained within the many maps, plans, photographs and documents.

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Records Management Network (RMN)

microphone at an event Talk
Victorian Archives Centre & Online

Join us at our upcoming, August, Records Management Network (RMN) meeting which focuses on fostering compliance, innovation and adaptability in public sector records management amidst evolving digital landscapes and regulatory frameworks.

Attend either online or in-person at the Victorian Archives Centre.

Bookings essential. 

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Bendigo Regional Archives Centre events

bendigo libray Talk

BRAC provides a variety of events that showcase the history of the Bendigo region and the breadth of the region's archival collection, including:

Visit the BRAC website to see what else is coming up.

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Writing a non-boring family story for a significant child

Hazel Edwards books Training
Victorian Archives Centre

To celebrate Family History Month, Hazel Edwards will provide you with the tools needed to plan and write a family history story or anecdote aimed at entertaining the younger children in your family. This three hour workshop is strictly limited to 25 participants, so you can get the most out of the session.

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