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Public Record Office Victoria is excited to announce the winners of the 2023 Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Awards

Winners of the Sir Rupert Hamer Awards 2023
Winners of the Sir Rupert Hamer Awards 2023 with Anthony Cianflone MP, the Member for Pascoe Vale, Sven Bluemmel, Victorian Information Commissioner and Yoorrook Justice Commissioner, Distinguished Professor Maggie Walter.


Winners of the 2023 Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Awards

  • The University of Melbourne won two awards for their digital preservation and records management projects which saw the organisation upgrade recordkeeping and records management systems.
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety for the recordkeeping processes established as part of their industry engagement and enforcement operation in response to COVID-19.

Commendations of the 2023 Sir Rupert Records Management Awards

  • Cardinia Shire Council for their Microsoft 365 records management migration project.
  • South West TAFE for their new beginning project implementing and embedding a new records management strategy.
  • Department of Education and Training for their 150 years of public education project which saw the collection, digitisation and promotion of records of Victoria’s education history.

Most valuable transfer

  • Monash Health for transfer of Queen Victoria Hospital records to PROV ensuring the ongoing preservation of records of women’s 19th and 20th century history.

Find photos from the 2023 ceremony at the Victorian Archives Centre here.


Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Awards

The Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Awards is an initiative of the Public Records Advisory Council (PRAC) which provides advice to PROV and the Minister for Government Services on the administration of the Public Records Act; and promotes cooperation between PROV and government agencies. The Awards, established in 1998, recognise excellence and innovation in records management within the Victorian Public Sector. 

Nominations are judged by an independent panel consisting of members from the Public Records Advisory Council, Australian Society of Archivists and the Records and Information Management Practitioners Alliance. 

The biennial award ceremony is a prestigious event showcasing projects completed by Victorian government agencies, including local governments, that reflect innovation and dedication to best practice recordkeeping and the preservation of records of permanent value. These records hold much of our personal, corporate, and social memory and document the development of Victoria’s government, culture and economy, as well as our natural and built environments.


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Past Sir Rupert Hamer Award winners


Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Award recipients